All GVM Care & Research companies adopt an organisation, management and control model in full compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001 on the administrative responsibility of companies.

This model, integrating the ethical and moral principles that guide Group activities, also implements and defines GVM Care & Research’s organisational structure as operating core that supervises and coordinates all the other subsidiaries operating in both the healthcare sector and in other sectors: from the supply of services to the production and sale of medical devices, up to the management of hotels, spas and much more.

For GVM Care & Research, adopting this model means guaranteeing all conditions of correctness and transparency in the management of the Company and of the various company activities. Therefore the Group actively undertakes to have correct relationships with its shareholders, agencies and various collaborators.

And that’s not all: the GVM Care & Research model also prevents the commission of crimes and illegal behaviours by all those who operate within it. Additional operating protocols, drawn up for the carrying out of specific functions, also guarantee concrete implementation of the principles and envisaged rules.

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