As a result of its experience gained in over 30 years in the world of Italian and international health care, GVM Care & Research keeps capital of expertise not only in the medical field but also in terms of design, construction, organisation and management of multi-specialty and high specialty hospitals.

Clinical Engineering, document archiving, supply chain management and creation of ward logistics, as well as all the activities involved in the operation of its hospitals, constitute the Group’s solid know-how.  

The in-depth knowledge of all these specialist areas, both in Italy and abroad, has made it possible to create an efficient and reliable supply chain ranging from the initial design to the delivery of a “ready-to-use” hospital.

For GVM Care & Research a “ready-to-use” hospital project means being the partner that assists the customer throughout all implementation phases: from the initial analysis, to design and development, up to full management independence.

The consulting offered by the Group within this context is not conceived only for new facilities, but also for already existing facilities requiring an organisational, structural or technological intervention, including medical or management staff training and operational flow optimisation.

Da 50 Anni la tua salute è la nostra priorità